Sunday, March 12, 2023

DACAPO U-15 Girls & MARLIN U-18 Girls Championships. Round 2.

As 2 teams registered for both U15 and U18 girls championship, we combined them in one group to allow for more games.

Results of "DACAPO U15 Girls Championship"

DACAPO U-15 Girls Championship
2nd place - "The Baslethes"

DACAPO U-15 Girls Championship
1st place - "TROPIX"

DACAPO U-15 Girls Championship

Thanks to DACAPO for offering the girls teams a meal at their restaurant!

Results of "MARLIN U18 GIRLS Championship"

MARLIN U-18 Girls Championship
2nd place - "The Monarchs"

MARLIN U-18 Girls Championship
1st place - "The EARTH Is ROUND"

Thanks to MARLIN for providing delicious meal for all players of Top 2 teams in OCHA NYAMA restaurant at East Park Mall!

MARLIN U-18 Girls Championship